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The table below provides page 1 of Bea's popularity as a girl name registered at birth from 2010 to 1969 followed by a popularity rating (Extreme, High, Medium, or Low), the percentage of times Bea was given as a name, the number of times it was given, and the number of chances for it to be given to a baby girl. Her most popular year was 2009 when 23 parents chose this name.
Year | Popularity | Given | Chances | 2010 | Low | 0.0071% | 2 | 28,174 | 2009 | Low | 0.0011% | 23 | 2,003,723 | 2008 | Low | 0.0001% | 2 | 1,908,123 | 2008 | Low | 0.0010% | 20 | 1,908,123 | 2007 | Low | 0.0006% | 12 | 1,915,251 | 2006 | Low | 0.0009% | 18 | 1,895,262 |
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